We work with our community’s makers, givers and doers to build a cohesive story, vision and strategy.

A full-service creative agency dedicated to nonprofits, artists, women-owned businesses and big hearted entrepreneurs.

Our Process

Every project begins with Creative Analysis, a process aimed to identify and affirm values, and most importantly, to make those values actionable.


We work with our clients to build creative readiness, which we define as the ability to rely on an established structure to set goals, repeat success, respond to challenges, connect with audiences, vision for the future and fulfill mission work with agility, novelty, value and consistency.


By virtue of having values identified, affirmed and made actionable, our services offer an entry point for team cohesion & empowerment and an environment that promotes staff, team and board focus on mission work.


The resulting cohesive story and brand strategy gives life to relevant and inspiring stories and lights a path for others to follow along.

Beth & Diggy

Eleven : Eleven is an expression of the synergy between Beth Kelly & Diggy Lloyd who work in tandem to offer a range of verbal and visual storytelling services, including brand analysis, copywriting, photography, public relations, design and web building. 

It’s helpful to think of Beth as the verbal storyteller and Diggy as the visual storyteller. Beth has a journalism degree and has spent (nearly) twenty years in branding and public relations within the non-profit sector. Diggy is a graphic designer and photographer. She studied at Parsons and has photographed for major brands including Target, Teen Vogue and Adidas. 

The Eleven : Eleven philosophy is rooted in the Creative Analysis — a process that seeks to answer for every client the questions of identity, values, tone, aesthetic, thesis, process and impact.